Report on the Situation in Vienna Report from Vienna by member of Hehalutz (Pioneer) Association, The Jewish Agency of Palestine Source : Lavon Institute, Tel Aviv. The Schwalb Collection/Hehalutz Archives. 229/103. 25 October 1938 To the Immigration Department, The Jewish Agency, Jerusalem. What is most characteristic of the situation of Jews in Vienna is confusion, despair, a sense that there is no way out, and primarily fear. Every day may bring new decrees. Hundreds, maybe thousands of Jews have been ordered to leave the country within a short time. The Community Offices and the Palestine Office are filled with people. The Community tries to get people into different countries, but as you know, emigration possibilities are scarce. It is amazing how so many find ways to reach places such as Trinidad, Haiti, San Domingo etc. The situation is really such that one must leave quickly. There is no possibility of making a living, nowhere to live, and everyone is saying that if they are destined to be beggars, they'd rather do it abroad. Despair is so enormous, that people are willing to live in camps abroad. The leaders of the organisations have accepted the reality that the Jewish community here will not exist for more than one or two more years. I believe that this view shapes the whole attitude to Jewish affairs here. We, Hehalutz, must also adjust to the circumstances and determine our plans for the future accordingly, and as the economic situation permits….